All Inclusive* 2-Night Program Starting At:
$498/person - Double Occupancy
$648/person - Single Occupancy
* Includes lodging, meals, program activities and access to optional daily activities and recreational equipment. Learn More about the Great Camp Sagamore experience.
Program Overview
Celebrate a weekend full of Gilded Age food, drink and history! Known as the Vanderbilt's wilderness retreat, Great Camp Sagamore was a place where guests could enjoy the beauty of the region and have all the comforts of home. Join us for this weekend of fine dining and explore the history of America's Gilded Age in one of the most authentic locations possible. Throughout your stay, try camp activities such as bowling, canoeing, croquet, hiking, and sitting in front of a cozy fire. Historical lectures and tours will offer an opportunity to learn about Sagamore’s past, the people who lived here, and the Adirondacks.
This weekend includes a generous barbeque-style dinner with a variety of sides and a tasty desserts followed by musical entertainment and a barn dance on Friday night, and a multi-course dinner for Saturday prepared specially by our chefs with Vanderbilt Era and Adirondack-inspired dishes. Staff will lead tours of the camp, as well as nature walks to the sites of many of Sagamore's outlying buildings. An exclusive tour of Great Camp Uncas will also be included. Uncas was William West Durant’s second great camp and former wilderness retreat of J.P. Morgan. Games favored by Margaret (Emerson) Vanderbilt will be active with a bit of Margaret inspired competition for those interested.
Program Activities
Friday night welcome reception at the Barn.
Barn dance led by John Kirk and Trish Miller.
Guided sunrise canoe paddle on scenic Sagamore Lake.
Guided hike to Raquette Lake South Inlet.
History tour of Great Camp Sagamore.
Exclusive tour of Great Camp Uncas.
Activities including croquet matches, badminton, and competitive bowling ala Margaret (Emerson) Vanderbilt.
Saturday cocktail hour on the Main Lodge porch with music by Evan and Becky Behre.
Dress up (optional) multi-course dinner followed by port and chocolate in front of a roaring fire.