“I’ve always thought fly fishing looked ______ (insert any of the following here: fun, beautiful, graceful, relaxing, meditative, etc.)”
If you’ve ever said anything along those lines, you’d be absolutely right…on all counts. Whether you’re already interested in learning to fly fish, looking for an excuse to explore the natural world, or seeking ways to slow down and relax, here’s a unique opportunity to do all of the above.
Spend the weekend with Cari Ray, an Internationally Certified Fly Casting Instructor, fly fishing guide, and host of the “Fisher of Zen” Podcast. You’ll learn the basics of fly casting and fishing while immersed in the beauty of the Adirondacks. You’ll learn about equipment, casting, flies and fishing techniques. In addition, the retreat includes angling opportunities to target wild, native Brook Trout on the fly. This means you’ll come away with the information and skills necessary to strike out on your own fly fishing journey. Embrace the opportunity to connect more deeply with the natural world of which you are part.
Please join us for this enlightening and restorative weekend as you are introduced to the zen of fly fishing. You need only bring your enthusiasm, curiosity, and willingness to learn. Program activities, Thursday night dinner & presentation, Friday & Saturday lunch and gear (if needed) are all included with your registration.
This is a ladies-only version of our popular beginning fly fishing retreat and is suitable for beginning and intermediate fly fishers alike.
Commuter Pass Schedule:
Thursday night dinner & presentation “Mindfulness & Fly Fishing” (6:00 - 8:30 PM)
Friday program activities & lunch (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Saturday program activities & lunch (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Additional Optional Activities:
Friday night free Special Event Concert featuring Cari Ray (Add optional dinner for $29.95/person.)
Saturday night “Woods & Wine” dinner crafted by our excellent Executive Chef, Sydney Richards. ($50.00/person)
Instructional Overview
Basic gear & tackle
The mechanics of fly casting
Reading water & finding fish
On-water drifting and mending
Mentored fly fishing